Now that it is the end of June, I figure I should post something before the month is out.
Still been training decently, even with all the June races we promoted. Yeah me!! Sunday thru Tuesday was boy scout camp so did not ride or swim or run. I did get to walk from about sun up to sun down and it was hot. Monday and Tuesday were oh about 100 degrees. Yikes! NO AC!! Double Yikes. I still cannot believe it. The boys did such a good job, they were so eager to do all the programs that they did not even complain about the heat--another can you believe it.
As far as the training goes yesterday did 25 miles then ran for 20 minutes. This was the first time I had tried running right after a ride. Man did that hurt. I thought I was going to have a cramp in my left calf. I haven't had a muscle cramp in years and years. A new sensation. With only 5 weeks before the tri, I am going to build in multiple days of week where I go from swim to bike to run. That is the only way my body will get accustomed to the effort with the new sports. almost forgot todays workout. Super easy day, about 10 miles with the hubby. A bike date, how cute. We had a good time.
Other things going on, lotsa work at the shop and lotsa baseball games. Hopefully a mountain bike race in a few weeks. The My mountain bike is still in pieces from the shocks being overhauled and I haven't ridden it since September. Uh Oh, sounds like a recipe for a sore and broken body. The next race I am looking forward to is the Eureka Springs Fat Tire Festival. Always a blast.