Boy wonder #1 up to bat! He has really done awesome this season. This pic is from one of our last games. Boy wonder #2 will have a game in another week, so hopefully we will have some pics of him.

A blurry pic of some rather incredible clouds. We were pretty sure there were some rotating clouds.

Whew! the last few days have been a marathon. This past weekend was the Kansas State Time Trial Championships. Our bike shop sponsored this event, needless to say we were busy. Everything went very smoothly, no wrecks or injuries. Because the event started so early in the morning, I was able to get back in time for baseball practice in the afternoon.
Our races involve so much to promote and sponsor. We would not be able to do any of it without the help of volunteers. It takes a pretty strong soul to give up their weekend to help out in the elements (one year the high was 105 degrees) so that our bike racers will be safe. We are so fortunate to have the best help anywhere. Here's to you volunteers. ALRIGHT!! THANK YOU!!
Did not get to ride the day of the race, but have been doing ok otherwise. Saturday rode 17, Monday another 17, today got in 27. I hope that tomorrow is a good ride day. My dream is to get a 50+ ride in once a week. Unfortunately, time is hard to come by. As of yet, a 50 miler is not happening. At any rate, last weeks total miles was 97. Ok, short of my 200 mile a week goal by half. I will have to work harder next week. That would be this week.